Packard Bell 386 25/33 M/Board

- Battery : Tadiran 3.6V Lithium connected at location Jbt.
- BIOS : 2 X 32K Phoenix BIOS 1.01.1817. To access setup, Press Ctrl-Alt-S during post.
- Bus Architecture : ISA based system bus
- Cache : N/A
- CPU : 80C386DX-25 or MHz 80C386DX-33 MHz. Turbo Switch Switchable, Off = 8 MHz, Green = 25/33 MHz.
- Interfaces :
- 1 DB-25 Parallel Port
- 2 DB-9 Serial ports
- 1 Ext. VGA Conn 15 pin on expansion slot 1
- RAM : 2MB standard Maximum on Motherboard 32 MB
- Speaker : On-board diaphragm
- Video : 16-bit video adapter on expansion slot Capable of 1024 X 768
- Video RAM : 512K
Function | Jumper | Description |
Jc1s (COM 1) | 1-2 OPEN | Enabled Disabled |
Jc2s (COM 2) | 1-2 OPEN | Enabled Disabled |
Jlps (LPT PORT) | 1-2 2-3 | Select LPT1 Select LPT2 |
Jlrq (LPT INT) | 1-2 2-3 | Select LPT1 Select LPT2 |
Jfdc (FDC) | 1-2 OPENED | Enabled Disabled |
Jhdc (HDC) | 1-2 OPENED | Enabled Disabled |
Jvd (DISPLAY) | 1-2 2-3 | Monochrome Colour |
Jpip (PIPELINE) | 1-2 OPENED | N/A Non-pipeline mode |
Jrom | 1-2 OPEN | 512Kb Rom size 256Kb Rom size |
- Battery : Tadiran 3.6V Lithium connected at location Jbt.
- Maths Co-Processor : This system will support the Intel 80387DX math co-processor and the Weitek WTL3167 math co-processor. The co-processor is installed at location U34. The speed of the chip must match the speed of the system. For example, 80387DX-33 for a 33MHz system.
- RAM :
- 2MB standard Maximum on Motherboard 32 MB
- SHADOW BIOS Enabled DOES NOT affect Extended Memory.
- No jumper setting required.
- Recommended SIMM speed is 80ns.
- The Users Manual Shows a configuration with the 256K SIMMs in bank 0 and the 1MB SIMMs in bank 1. This configuration will work but may cause intermittent memory situations.