Fujitsu GS3000 PCModems Detection Problems in Win95On the GS3000 P133 there is no option to set the com ports manually, only the address i.e. 2f8 3f8 etc. Try disabling serial port2 in the bios and manually adding another COM port through control panel, then manually adding the modem as a Standard 28800. Reinstall BluesThere is a standard copy of the Win95 disk and CD but the boot disk had no CDROM drivers. So you will need to the lines and files to the boot disk so it detects the CD-ROM drive before formatting the machine. MACH 64 - 16 Colours OnlyGS3000 only giving 16 colours. Go into Control Panel, and Display Properties. Select Settings, and chose Change Display Type. Change the Display Adaptor to Mach 64 PCI ENGLISH. Click on OK, and then, when it ask to insert the driver disk, click on Browse. Change the drive and directory to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM and click on OK. It will come up saying it cannot find a couple of files, just skip those, and when it finishes, the colours should be up to 256 colours. German MessagesIf you get the message "UNGUELTIGES SYSTEM DATENTRAEGER WECHSELN UND PISTE DRUCKEN". The message roughly means "Non System Disk or Disk Error". So boot the machine with a boot disk and SYS the drive and it should boot OK. MS DOS DriversThis assumes that the machine has a Mitsumi CDROM drive. CONFIG.SYS DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS AUTOEXEC.BAT SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 T6