Strange Error MessagesWhile every Windows user is familiar with the error messages "This Program Has Performed an Illegal Operation" and "Fatal Exception Error", there are other strange and in some cases out and out bizarre messages out there... After editing a project in Free Java, running the Build command sometimes gives the following error - Realplayer for Windows will sometimes give you this logical message - Meanwhile Outlook Express takes the error message a step further - Though I will give Microsoft their dues, at least they are honest - If you accidently try and exit Cute FTP while it is downloading, it gives you the following confirmation message - NB - For those of you who get the message halfway through a 50MB download, the correct answer is to click the X in the top corner, as clicking on OK will disconnect you. If anyone can explain this message from Microsoft Developer Studio, the world would very much appreciate it. When trying to delete the Internet Explorer cache files from within Windows Explorer, Microsoft go for the obvious - The programmers of Lotus cc:Mail obviously have no confidence in their product - Meanwhile at AK-Mail the programmers have yet to fully grasp the concept of the graphical interface - In Eye Candy 3.01, we have the perfect example of the loaded question - After the loaded question we have the 50/50 question - Microsoft's Data Link, contains the following message for all you amateur detectives out there - In Netscape it's not only the frames that are hidden - Is it an Application Error? Is it a Fatal Error? Is it an Internal Error? Is it an Amnesia Error? No it's just a badly written error message in Jazz Jackrabbit 2 If you try and register at Microsoft's Developer's Network website, you may receive the following message - Ironically it only appears when you select the option not to receive faxes.... Eurodora Light takes the idea of talking to an e-mail server that one step further - Go figure - Meanwhie in Visual Basic 5.0 we have finally found the first useful Microsoft help screen - Not the old specification error again... This one was sent in by Sandra Bobleter from Flinders University in South Australia - It looks like Netscape's error message writer is now working for Adobe - Microsoft's sales dept never miss a trick - Now here is a programmer with no confidence in the software they were developing -