Canon LBP 8VI Printer
Menu Flow Chart
Group Menu | Items | Description | Values (default =*) |
INTERFACE | interface | Select interface | Auto-Port-SLCT* Centronics RS232C Optional-I/F |
baud-rate | Baud (RS-232) | 300-38400 |
rs-rate | Data/Parity/Stop bits | 8S* =8N1 |
dtr | DTR signal (RS-232) | READY-H* FIX-H |
xon / xoff | RS-232 Handshake | ON* Off |
etx /ack | RS-232 Handshake | ON* Off |
busy - length | Centronics interface speed | LOW MED* HIGH |
CONTROL | contrast | Toner Adjustment | 1-8 (4*) |
timeout | Job timeout | -OFF-300 (60*) seconds |
message | language | ENGLISH* etc.. |
copy | number of copies | 1* to 99 |
offsetx | print position | -30mm - 30 mm (0*) |
offsety | print position | -30mm - 30 mm (0*) |
error-skip | Automatic error skip. | AUTO MANUAL* |
buzzer | Buffer | ON* OFF |
toner-low | Toner low warning | WARNING* Stop |
28-error | Display Error 28 | On OFF* |
paper | Paper size | LETTER* or A4* LEGAL EXECUTIVE |
QUALITY | Selection mode | selection mode | FIX* Manual |
refine | Image refining function | ON* Off |
memory usage | 600 dpi guarantee mode | PARTIAL PAINT* FULL PAINT |
low resolution | Low resolution warning | CONTINUE* STOP |
MEMORY | buffer-size | Receive buufer size | 1* / 64 ( /256 /512) |
CaPSL | graphic-set | adjustment of print position | -10.0 to + 10.00 |
primary | Default character Set | NONE* |
secondary | Default character Set | NONE* |
orientation | Page Orientation | PORTAIRT* Landscape |
autoNL | Automatic CR/LF | ON* Off |
autoFF | Automatic Form feed | ON* Off |
autoCR | Automatic CR | ON* Off |
autoLF | Automatic Line Feed | ON* Off |
lines | Number of lines | 6LPI* 8 -10 LPI |
columns | Number of Columns | 80* 136 |
macro | Startup macro | 0 to 99 (30*) |
overlay1 | Overlay #1 | NONE* 0-32767 |
overlay2 | Overlay #2 | NONE* 0-32767 |
EPS-LQ | compress | Full size or reduction | COMPRESS* NORMAL |
orientation | Page orientation | PORTRAIT* Landscape. |
columns | number of columns | 80* 136 |
lines | number of lines | 6 LPI* 8-10 LPI |
autoLF | Automatic Line Feed | OFF* On |
font | Font | ROMAN* San Serif Draft |
graphic-set | Graphics Set | EPS-USA ( 15 types to select) |
char.- table | Character code table | ITALIC* EXT-GRAPHIC |
cut - sheet | Cut paper mode | ON* OFF |
ProX24E | compress | full size or reduce | COMPRESS* Normal |
orientation | Page Orientation | PORTRAIT* Landscape |
columns | Number of Columns | 80* 136 |
lines | Number of Lines | 6LPI* 8-10LPI |
autoCR | Automatic CR | OFF* On |
autoLF | Automatic Line Feed | OFF* On |
graphic-set | Graphics Set | 437* 850 |