Apricot Trent Motherboard
RAM Configuration
The SIMM sockets are located at the front of the motherboard. Each pair of sockets can be fitted with SIMMs. SIMMs with capacities of 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 Mbytes are supported, giving a maximum capacity of 128 Mbytes.
SIMMs must be fitted in pairs and the pair must be identical. The system does not require Parity checking (36-bit) SIMMs. Conventional 32-bit SIMMs with a refresh rate of 60ns is the specification. The newer Extended Data Output (EDO) type SIMMs are supported and will give enhanced performance.
Socket Location

Processor Upgrades (MS540 MM Models)
The processor upgrade section is split into two.This first section covers MS540 models with the prefix MM.The second section covers MS660 models with the prefix code MF.To use the tables below, select the processor you wish to upgrade to and confirm that the upgrade is possible. Then check additional requirements such as BIOS upgrades & processor speed jumper settings.
MS540 (MM) Processor upgrades |
| |
Processor type and speed | Is it supported? |
| |
Pentium 120 | YES (set speed jumpers) |
Pentium 133 | YES (set speed jumpers) |
Pentium 150 | YES (set speed jumpers) |
Pentium 166 | YES (set speed jumpers) |
Pentium 200 | YES (set speed jumpers) |
Pentium Overdrive 166 MMX (BPODPMT66X166). Will run at 100mhz or 133Mhz. | YES (upgrade BIOS then set speed jumpers to 100mhz or 133mhz) |
Pentium Overdrive 180 MMX (BPODPMT60X180). Will run at 75, 90, 120 & 150Mhz. | YES (upgrade BIOS then set speed jumpers to 75, 90, 120 or 133mhz) |
Pentium Overdrive 200 MMX (BPODPMT66X200). Will run at 100, 133 & 166Mhz. | YES (upgrade BIOS then set speed jumpers to 100, 133 or 166mhz) |
MS540 (MM) Motherboard Processor Speed Jumper Settings
Processor Speed | Jumper Block PL32 |
BF0 | BF1 | FS1 | FS0 | ISA |
Pentium 100 MHz *** note *** | 2-4 | 1-3 | 7-8 | - | 11-12 |
Pentium 120 MHz | 4-6 | 1-3 | - | 9-10 | 11-12 |
Pentium 133 MHz | 4-6 | 1-3 | 7-8 | - | 11-12 |
Pentium 150 MHz | 4-6 | 3-5 | - | 9-10 | 11-12 |
Pentium 166 MHz | 4-6 | 3-5 | 7-8 | - | 11-12 |
Pentium 200 MHz | 2-4 | 3-5 | 7-8 | - | 11-12 |
Note:- If you have BIOS version 7.07 or above installed then this setting is for Pentium 233Mhz.
Warning: The Trent motherboard that is found in the MS540 (MM) runs the processor at 3.3volts. Pentium MMX processors require the processor to run at 2.8volts (see note below regarding Overdrive processors). If a Pentium MMX processor is run at 3.3volts, it will be severely damaged. Intel Pentium Overdrive processors have their own voltage regulation onboard and therefore no motherboard modifications are required.
Processor Upgrades (MS660 MF Models)
This is the processor upgrade page for MS660 with the model number prefix MF. To use the tables below, select the processor you wish to upgrade to and confirm that the upgrade is possible. Then check additional requirements such as BIOS upgrades & processor speed jumper settings.
MS660 (MF) Processor upgrades |
| |
Processor type and speed | Is it supported? |
| |
Pentium 166 MMX | YES - Set speed jumpers correctly |
Pentium 200 MMX | YES - Set speed jumpers correctly |
Pentium 233 MMX | YES - Set speed jumpers correctly |
MS660 (MF) Motherboard Processor Speed Jumper Settings
Processor Speed | Jumper Block PL32 |
BF0 | BF1 | FS1 | FS0 | ISA |
Pentium 100 MHz *** note *** | 2-4 | 1-3 | 7-8 | - | 11-12 |
Pentium 120 MHz | 4-6 | 1-3 | - | 9-10 | 11-12 |
Pentium 133 MHz | 4-6 | 1-3 | 7-8 | - | 11-12 |
Pentium 150 MHz | 4-6 | 3-5 | - | 9-10 | 11-12 |
Pentium 166 MHz | 4-6 | 3-5 | 7-8 | - | 11-12 |
Pentium 200 MHz | 2-4 | 3-5 | 7-8 | - | 11-12 |
Note:- If you have BIOS version 7.07 or above installed then this setting is for Pentium 233Mhz.
BIOS Upgrade
For MM (MS540) and MF (MS660) model machines, the latest version of the BIOS is 7.08.
BIOS Installation Instructions
Once the BIOS update file has been downloaded & saved in your C:\WINDOWS\TEMP folder:
Place a blank formatted disk into the floppy drive A: Click on START Click on RUN Type C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\TRENT708.EXE A: When the boot disk has been created, restart the computer and boot from the diskette. When the BIOS update has completed, remove the diskette and restart the computer.
Cannot be Upgraded
Video RAM
Models that came with the ATi MACH 264 VT - 1MB EDO CARD can be upgraded to 2MB.The rest cannot be upgraded.
Jumper Settings
PL8 Clearing CMOS |
| |
1-2 | CMOS Battery connected (default) |
2-3 | CMOS battery disconnected |
PL10 BIOS Image Selection |
| |
1-2 | Boot using normal BIOS (default) |
2-3 | Boot using recovery BIOS |
PL11 BIOS Reprogram |
| |
1-2 | Enabled (default) |
2-3 | Disabled |
Floppy Disk Control Mode |
| |
PL22 | Default position link pins 3-4. 3-mode operation, link 1-3, 2-4. |
System Fan |
| |
PL36 | System fan, slow mode |
PL37 | System fan, full speed mode |
Sound Blaster Enable |
| |
PL100 | Near CD audio connector. Link pins 1-2 (default) |
Onboard Video Enable |
| |
Jumper Block PL32, jumper pair marked 'VGA' | Link pins to enable onboard Video (default) |
System Connectors |
PL2 | 1-2 | Left stereo speaker |
| 5-6 | Right stereo speaker |
PL4 | 1-2 | System standby restore switch |
| 3-7 | Infra-red controller |
| 8-11 | Mono speaker |
| 12-13 | Message LED |
PL6 | 1-4 | HDD active light |
| 5-9 | Keylock (not fitted) |
| 10-11 | System in 'power standby' light |
| 12-13 | System hardware reset (not fitted) |
Rear Panel

1 - Casing Screws | 7 - Mouse Port | 13 - Blanking plates |
2 - AC Power Intlet | 8 - Serial Port 1 | 14 - Optional Audio daughterboard |
3 - Voltage selection switch | 9 - Serial Port 2 | 15 - Security loop |
4 - AC Power Outtlet | 10 - Parallel Port | 16 - System unit case lock |
5 - Universal Serial Port | 11 - Video Port | |
6 - Keyboard Port | 12 - Air vents | |
CMOS Discharge
PL8 | Clearing CMOS |
1-2 | CMOS Battery connected (default) |
2-3 | CMOS battery disconnected |
To enter the CMOS Setup screens press F1 setup during POST.

Error Messages
Code | Causes |
| |
101 | Timer tick interrupt failure |
102 | Timer 2 test failure |
106 | Diskette controller failure |
110 | System Board Memory Parity interrupt |
114 | Option ROM checksum failure |
151 | Real time clock failure |
161 | Real time clock battery failure |
162 | CMOS RAM checksum failue |
162 | Invalid configuration information |
163 | Time of day not set -preboot |
164 | Memory size does not match CMOS |
175 | Bad EEPROM CRC #1 |
176 | System tampered |
177 | Bad PAP checksum |
178 | EEPROM is not functional |
183 | PAP Update Required |
184 | Bad POP checksum |
185 | Corrupted Boot Sequence |
186 | Hardware problem |
189 | Excessive password attempts |
201 | Base memory error |
229 | External cache failure |
301 | Keyboard clock line failure |
301 | Keyboard data line failure |
301 | Keyboard stuck key failure |
604 | Diskette drive 0 failure |
604 | Diskette drive 1 failure |
605 | Diskette unlocked problem |
662 | Diskette drive configuration |
762 | Coprocessor configuration |
1762 | Hard disk configuration |
1780 | Fixed disk 0 failure |
1781 | Fixed disk 1 failure |
1782 | Fixed disk 2 failure |
1783 | Fixed disk 3 failure |
1800 | No more IRQ available |
1801 | No more room for option ROM |
1802 | No more I/O space available |
1803 | No more memory (< 1MB) available |
1804 | No more memory (> 1MB) available |
1805 | Checksum error or 0 size option ROM |
1962 | No bootable device |
2400 | Display adapter failed; usingalternate |
2462 | Video configuration |
I/O Ports
I/O ports (Hex) | Used by |
| |
000 - 01F | DMA controller 1 |
020 - 021 | Interrupt controller 1 |
022 - 023 | ALI configuration port |
034, 038, 03C | Local bus ATA/IDE (alternate) |
040 - 05F | System timer |
060 - 06F | Keyboard controller |
070 - 07F | Real time clock,NMI mask |
080 - 09F | DMA page register |
0A0 - 0A1 | Interrupt controller 2 |
0B4, 0B8, 0BC | Local bus ATA/IDE (default) |
0C0 - 0DF | DMA controller 2 |
0F0, 0F1 | Math coprocessor busy (clear/reset) |
0F8 - 0FF | Math coprocessor |
1F0 - 1F7 | Hard disk drive controller |
200 - 207 | Game I/O |
220 - 22F, 230 - 233 | Sound blaster system |
240 - 24F, 250 - 253 | Alternate Sound blaster system |
278 - 27F | Parallel port 2 |
2B0 - 2DF | Alternate VGA |
2F8 - 2FF | Serial port 2 |
300 - 301 | Alternate MIDI (disable) |
330 - 331 | MIDI |
378 - 37F | Parallel port 1 |
388 - 38F | FM synthesiser |
3B0 - 3BF | Monochrome display and printer adapter |
3B4, 3B5, 3BA | Video subsystem |
3C0 - 3C5 | VGA |
3C6 - 3C9 | Video DAC |
3CA - 3DF | VGA |
3F0 - 3F7 | Diskette drive controller |
3F8 - 3FF | Serial port 1 |