Advent 425SX PC
Motherboard InformationCPUCPU Selection
NB: IBM do not recommend use of a DX4 chip. Memory4MB non-parity (parity chips may be fitted but then the non parity memory will not be recognized) as standard in 1 of the 2 SIMM slots. (Some machines may come with the memory hardwired to the motherboard in the middle of the SIMM slots). 2 x 72 PIN SIMM slots available, (1 occupied). An unusual feature of this machine is the ability to accept a mix of differing memory chips to give various memory configurations. In the BoxDocumentation Supplied
Known IssuesForgotten Password Switch off machine, remove lithium CMOS battery and leave for 30mins. Replace battery and restart machine. The User Manual refers to using a utility called CLMODE to optimise the video configuration This utility is not currently supplied with the machines, but may be supplied on future machines. When setting either a Setup password or Power-On password, and restarting the machine, it simply goes into Windows as per usual Move jumper postition JP2 (labelled PSSWRD) to the 1-2 position. This is located next to the battery and close to the power supply unit. Cannot get cache to work The best setup is a 256k one. You need to change 3 jumpers - JP24 JP25 and JP26 - JP24=CLOSED, JP25=CLOSED, JP26=CLOSED between 2 and 3. The cache speed is 20ns and will fill both banks chips U56 to U63