Advent 4254MM PC
CPU | Cyrix 486 DX2 50 MHz in ZIF Socket 3 |
Motherboard | UA 4982 |
Memory | 4MB 70ns fast page RAM expandable to 64MB using NON PARITY RAM |
BIOS | PHEONIX BIOS v 4.03 dated 12/04/95 |
Cache | Internal: 8KB, External: 128KB |
Hard Drive | FUJITSU Model M2684TAM 1024 cyls, 16 heads, 63 sect. 528MB |
CD Drive | VERTOS 300 HPD (Dual Speed) |
Video Card | Trident TVGA 9000i. 512KB |
Sound Card | OPTi 929S 16 bit Sound Card |
Speakers | 2W passive speakers powered by on mainboard amplifier |
Keyboard | Standard UK 102 Keyboard |
Mouse | 2 Button 9 pin on COM1 IRQ 4 |
Power Supply | 115-230 VAC 230W PSU |
Interfaces | 1x 9 pin RS 232C set as COM1 on 3F8, IRQ 4 1x 25 pin RS 232C set as COM2 on 2f8, IRQ3 1x 25 pin parallel LPT port set on 378, IRQ7 1x Games Port 1x Standard DIN 5 pin socket for Keyboard 1x Video connector |
Expansion | 3 Vesa slots, 4 ISA 16 bit Slots+1 ISA 8bit slot |
Remove Cover | Looking at the rear of the base unit, remove the three screws that secure the top cover to the chassis and lift the lid upwards and away in a circular motion. The facia is removed by unscrewing 2 screws in the upper outer corners and lifting away. Be careful with this as all the wires to LED's are connected to it. |
Motherboard Information
128KB upgradeable to 256 or 512 KB.
Option | Tag RAM | Cache Bank 0 U12,U13,U14,U15 |
128K | 32x8 | 32x8 |
256K | 32x8 | 64x8 |
512K | 32x8 | 128x8 |
Cache | JP4 | JP5 | JP6 | JP10 | JP11 | JP12 | JP13 |
128K (32Kx8) | Short 1-2 | Short 1-2 | Open | Open | Open | Open | Open |
256K (64Kx8) | Short 1-2 | Short 1-2 | Short 1-2 | Open | Open | Open | Open |
512K (128Kx8) | Short 1-2 | Short 2-3 | Short 2-3 | Short 1-2 | Short | Open | Short |
The processor can be upgraded to DX2 66, DX4 75, DX4 100. A Voltage regulator is supplied on this board to allow use of CPUs that run at voltages between 3.15 and 5 Volts.
Voltage | JP20 | JP21 | JP22 |
5v | 1-2 | 1-2 | Open |
3.45v | 2-3 | 2-3 | 1-2 |
3.3v | 2-3 | 2-3 | 2-3 |
4MB (1x 4MB 72 pin SIMM) supplied. Can be upgraded to 64MB using 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16MB SIMMs in any combination in the four slots provided. Largest SIMM should be in Bank1. Since PARITY checking can be disabled in BIOS use NON PARITY type.
Video RAM
512KB of video memory is installed on the Video Card. This is not upgradeable.
In the Box
Disks Supplied
- 3.5" Disk ECS IDE BUS CD ROM device driver (DD)
- 3.5" Disk OPTi 929S Sound Card Drivers (HD)
- 3.5" Disk TVGA 9000i Drivers/Utilities disk (HD).
- 3.5" Disk Pointing Device Driver and Popup Menus (DD)
Items Supplied
- 4254M Base unit
- Speakers (Passive) and Cables
- Mouse
- Power cable MAINS to PSU
- Power Cable PSU to MONITOR
- Keyboard
- Monitor
Documentation Supplied
- Advent Personal Computer User Manual
- UA 4982 Main Board Manual
- OPTI 929 S Plus Card User's Manual
- TVGA 8900D/9000i User's Manual
- Microsoft Windows 95 Manual
- Vertos CD ROM Drive Users Manual
- Hyundai Colour Monitor User's Guide
- UN 1078E Power I/O Card Users Guide
- Microsoft Registration Card
- Set of preprinted labels for Windows 95 backup disks
Known Issues
Boot Disk
A lot of the Advent 4000/7000 series PCs are provided with a Windows 95 CD, BUT NO BOOT DISK. Therefore if you have formatted the hard drive, the only copy of MSCDEX that you have is on the Win 95 CD.
The answer to this is to create a Boot Disk before you format.
1. Create a Windows 95 Startup Disk using Create System Disks
2. Copy onto this Disk Mscdex.exe from the C:\Windows\Command directory, Himem.sys from the C:\Windows directory and Ecscdide.sys from either the c:\Ecs directory or from the Ecs CDRom device driver disk provided with the machine.
3. On the disk create the following Config.sys &Autoexec.bat files:-
Device=a:\himem.sys Dos=high,umb Device=a:\ecscdide.sys /d:ecscd003
@echo off prompt $p$g path=a:\ a:\mscdex.exe /d:ecscd003
This will give you the basics to work with. At least you will be able to access the CDRom drive and re-partition and re-format the hard drive.
Certain Advents have CDRom drivers called CDDRV.SYS that you will find in the C:\CDROM Directory, or on the floppy of course.
Installing an Opti Soundcard